Dr. Gregory Stock is a leading authority on the broad impacts of advanced technology in the life sciences. He is an adjunct professor at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NY where he has directed the Harris Center for Precision Wellness and worked on the foundations of nextgen wellness and healthcare. Previously, he founded and directed the Program on Medicine, Technology and Society at UCLA’s School of Medicine. He also co-founded and led two biotech companies: Signum Biosciences, a Boulder-based biopharmaceutical company developing therapeutics for Alzheimer’s, and Ecoeos, a personalized healthcare company that pioneered at-home genetic tests for vulnerability to, and toxicity from, exposure to mercury.

Dr. Stock’s book, Redesigning Humans: Our Inevitable Genetic Future, won the Kistler Book Prize for Science books and was nominated for a Wired Rave Award. Among his other books are Engineering The Human Germline, Metaman, and The Book of Questions, which has sold 2.5 million copies, been translated into 22 languages, and had over 100 printings. Sequels include The Kids’ Book of Questions, Love and Sex: The Book of Questions, and The Book of Questions: Business, Politics, and Ethics.

Stock is presently collaborating on several new question books, including: College and Life: The Book of Questions; and Beauty: The Book of Questions. He is also leading a development team that in 2020 will be launching a Private Social Network centered around a mobile game of questions designed to generate a global map of human identity.

Dr. Stock has been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, MIT Tech Review and Lancet. He makes regular appearances on television and radio, including CNN, PBS, NPR, Bloomberg, and the BBC, and he has been in dozens of one-on-one debates about healthcare and policy with Francis Fukuyama, Jeremy Rifkin, Leon Kass, Dan Callahan, Ray Kurzweil, and other prominent figures.

Stock serves on the California Advisory Committee on Stem Cells and Reproductive Cloning, and on the Board of Directors of Signum Biosciences and Nutralogix. He has a PhD in Biophysics from Johns Hopkins and an MBA from Harvard Business School.


Education: BA, MS, PhD (Biophysics) - Johns Hopkins; MBA - Harvard Business School

Executive Experience: Co-Director, Center for Precision Wellness, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (4 yrs), Director, Program on Medicine, Technology and Society, UCLA School of Medicine (10 yrs). CEO, Signum Biosciences (7 yrs); CEO/CSO, Ecoeos (4 yrs); CEO, Stock Productions (4 yrs)

Board Seats: Signum Biosciences, Napo Pharmaceuticals, Dermalogix, Nutralogix.

Start-ups: Co-Founding CEO, Signum Biosciences; Co-Founding CEO, Ecoeos, Founder, Stock Productions, Founding Director, Program on Medicine, Technology and Society, UCLA School of Medicine, Co-Founding, Co-Director, Center for Precision Wellness, Ichan School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

Books (8): Redesigning Humans (Houghton Mifflin); Engineering the Human Germline (Oxford University Press); Metaman (Simon & Schuster); The Book of Questions (Workman); The Kids’ Book of Questions; Love and Sex: The Book of Questions; Business, Politics and Ethics: The Book of Questions. The Book of Questions: Power, Politics, and Purpose. Total sales: ~4,500,000 copies. Translations: 22 languages. Total Printings: >100; Book Reviews: NY Times, Nature, Washington Post, Guardian, Newsday, etc. Articles, Papers, Chapters (>70): DNA & Cell Biology, Reason, Biophysical Journal, Journal of Bioethics, Biofutur, Annals of NY Academy of Science, Die Zeit, Reproductive Medicine Online, Sunday Times, Los Angeles Times, etc.

Patents (13): Methods and Compositions for Enhancing Cognitive Function, Treating Inflammatory Conditions, Modulation of Protein Methylation, System for Interacting with Computing Device, Method of Making a tooth spacer, Genes and Genetic Variations Associated with Gene-Environment Interactions and Susceptibility to Mercury Toxicity, etc.

Personal Profiles: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, MIT Tech Review, New England Journal of Medicine Media Appearances (>1,500): including Larry King, Oprah Winfrey, Charlie Rose, Jeff Probst, Talk of the Nation, BBC, PBS, NBC, CBS, NPR, Good Morning America, Good Morning Australia, ARTE, NIVA, France 2, various documentaries and films

Keynotes / Lectures (100s): including GSK, Medco, Lloyds, J&J, Royal Society, Microsoft, EPA, Ernst & Young, TED, TEDMED, Poptech, Chinese Academy of Sciences, American Dietetic Association, World Future Society, Civil Liberties Center, Carnegie Museum of Science, Harvard, Stanford, Auburn, UT, Keck, UCLA, Princeton, Rice, UCI, UCSB, Harvard Medical School.

Public Debates (>30): Francis Fukuyama, Leon Kass, Jeremy Rifkin, Ray Kurzweil, Bill McKibben, Daniel Callahan, Michael Sandel, etc. Awards and Honors: Phi Beta Kappa, Baker Scholar, Kistler Award for Best Science Book, Freund Porter Entrepreneurship Prize, Jasse Award for Leadership, Fellow of World Academy of Arts and Science, Sloan Foundation Presidential Grant, Wired Magazine Rave Award Nominee, NY Times Bestseller List (26 Weeks)

Fund Raising: More than $25M in early stage Biotech investment funds and Philanthropy