The Book of Questions

If you were handed an envelope with the date of your death inside, and you knew you could do nothing to alter your fate, would you look?


The phenomenon returns! Originally published in 1987, The Book of Questions, a New York Times bestseller, has been completely revised and updated to incorporate the myriad cultural shifts and hot-button issues of the past twenty-five years, making it current and even more appealing.

This is a book for personal growth, a tool for deepening relationships, a lively conversation starter for the family dinner table, a fun way to pass the time in the car. It poses over 300 questions that invite people to explore the most fascinating of subjects: themselves and how they really feel about the world.

The revised edition includes more than 100 all-new questions that delve into such topics as the disappearing border between man and machine―How would you react if you learned that a sad and beautiful poem that touched you deeply had been written by a computer? The challenges of being a parent―Would you completely rewrite your child’s college-application essays if it would help him get into a better school? The never-endingly interesting topic of sex―Would you be willing to give up sex for a year if you knew it would give you a much deeper sense of peace than you now have? And of course the meaning of it all―If you were handed an envelope with the date of your death inside, and you knew you could do nothing to alter your fate, would you look?

The Book of Questions may be the only publication that challenges―and even changes―the way you view the world, without offering a single opinion of its own.


The Book of Questions series, consists of four eclectic collections of provocative situational dilemmas. It has sold more than four million copies and been translated into 18 languages. The original Book of Questions placed on the New York Times Bestseller’s list for 32 weeks. An innovator and pioneer in this genre, Greg Stock’s Book of Questions spawned a cottage industry of “question books.”

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